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Cancer prevention means taking all precautionary measures and actions aimed at reducing the spread of cancer by reducing the causes and factors that contribute to the onset of the disease. Early detection before symptoms appear enables positive and effective intervention to stop or slow the progression of the disease.

There is no sure way to avoid cancer. But doctors have succeeded in identifying some ways that can help reduce risk factors for cancer. These ways include :

Quitting smoking 

Lung cancer is responsible for about a quarter of cancer-related deaths in some countries, such as England, where 90% of lung cancer cases are due to smoking. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of cancer. The earlier you quit smoking, the lower your risk of cancer.

Avoiding excessive/prolonged sun exposure

Smoking is one of the main risks
factors of getting cancer

There is scientific evidence that states that cell cancers are associated with exposure to sunlight during work. Malignant melanoma develops mainly in workers who have limited ability to be exposed to the sun. It generally affects the main area of the neck, face, and head.

Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet

Several studies have proven that the quality of food we eat plays an influential role in increasing the risk of getting cancer. Scientific research carried out by the American Cancer Society has shown that “diet is 30-40% responsible for cancer risk,” explains Lara Estete, a dietitian at the American Cancer Society. Examples of these foods are red and processed meat, foods rich in saturated fats (fries, chips, etc.), preserved, canned, or pickled foods that contain a high amount of salt, sugars, and alcohol.

Physical activity on most days of the week

“Physical activity can benefit individuals before, during, and after cancer treatment,” said Sarah Mansfield, Mayo Clinic‘s certified cancer exercise instructor. She also states that loving relatives may urge a cancer patient to rest, but this can lead to functional deterioration. Mansfield recommends that anyone with cancer should first discuss his exercise program with his healthcare provider. Once he gets the green light to exercise, he has to start to do so. But if one has not exercised for a while, he should start walking, which will help build muscles and boosts endurance.

Ensuring that early detection tests are conducted regularly

Dr. Grubbmeier pointed out that some cancers can develop without any symptoms. So screening is very important for monitoring the disease at an early stage. He added that it is advisable for everyone, especially people with cancer-related symptoms, to consult an oncologist about appropriate screening programs, as quickly as possible.

Avoiding obesity and maintaining a normal weight.

A new comprehensive study has shown that weight loss, even by those who are not obese, can play a key role in preventing cancer. This comprehensive study was conducted by the International Cancer Research Institute and focused mainly on the relationship between the way of life (food, drink, smoking, etc.) and the incidence of cancer. The study concluded with some recommendations, including the need to avoid weight gain after the age of 21, avoid eating drinks containing sugar, as well as alcoholic beverages, and not eating dried and preserved pork. All people should be as close to thin as possible without becoming underweight. 

Fast food and obesity as
risk factors of cancer

The researchers believe that body fat plays a crucial role in the growth of cancer and that its importance is much greater than previously thought. The authors of the study said they published a list of recommendations, not wills, that anyone who wants to reduce the risk of cancer should follow.

But two-thirds of cancer cases seem to be unrelated to the way of life i.e, by changing their lifestyles to prevent cancer; and many are hard to believe.

However, “3 million people (200 thousand cancer cases in Britain alone annually) can prevent cancer each year if they follow these recommendations”, says Professor Martin Weizmann.  

  Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as:

  • Bowel cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Pancreas cancer
  • Esophageal cancer.
  • Breast cancer, especially in women who have entered menopause.
  • Cervical cancer
  • Kidney cancer

Eating healthy fruits and vegetables and high-fiber foods

Researchers report that diversification of certain foods, such as mixing chickens, broccoli, salmon, and aquatic watercress, may help fight cancer.

The combination of two food ingredients, called sulforaphane and selenium, increases the ability to fight cancer about 13 times more than either one alone, scientists say.

This discovery may mean that it may become possible to identify a specific diet that helps eliminate cancer.

Sulforaphane, a plant-based chemical used to prevent and treat cancer, is found in large concentrations in cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, and aquatic watercress.

Nuts, poultry, fish, egg yolks, sunflower seeds, and mushrooms contain rich amounts of selenium.

Selenium deficiency is associated with many cancers, including prostate cancer. However, the diet includes half the rates of the mineral selenium. When we combine sulforaphane and selenium, there is a greater effect on genes than one alone.

Citrus: strongly recommended food
to prevent cancer

 The researchers say that special foods may appear in the near future. Chefs, if asked, may prepare recipes and foods to fight cancer, such as a chicken dish with cabbage and, and nuts.

One of the most common cancers is colon and breast cancer. Medical studies say there is convincing evidence of an association between increased body fat and the incidence of these two types of malignant tumors. The study also shows that there is a relationship between the quality of foods people eat and the risk of colorectal cancer. In particular, researchers say that people should not eat preserved and dried meats such as ham, bacon, and salami. Also, they should reduce red meat intake to 500 grams a week. Besides, they should refrain from drinking liquor of all kinds, including sugary drinks because they cause weight gain.

Doctors and scientists also encourage breastfeeding. They say that this reduces the risk of breast cancer in the mother. This helps to have a good resistance against allergies that appear in children. Such allergies seem to be related to not feeding the natural nutrition of breast milk.

Nutritional statistical studies have shown that about 70% of the causes of cancer are due to the type of nutrition that humans eat. For example, grilled meat, as well as animal fat, contribute to developing cancer. Studies in 2013 also show that some phytochemicals found in human food can prevent the development of cancer cells. We can find plant materials in the natural food of humans and prevent the emergence of cancer. Among these foods we find :

  •  Lycopene which is present in tomatoes,
  • Sulforaphane exists in broccoli,
  •  Carotenoids exist in carrots, spinach, and egg yolks.
  • Polyphenols exist in fruits
  •  Sulfides (containing sulfur), found in onions, garlic, and balls,
  •  Flavones exist in soy.

There is no recipe that can help everyone, as each person has his own metabolism which varies from person to person. Therefore, one should diversify food as it seems that the positive effect in preventing the occurrence of cancer lies in the cooperation of these substances with each other in the events of immunity. Therefore, specialists advise eating more vegetables and fruits.

Statistics indicate that 70% of cancer is due to unhealthy habits such as smoking and lack of interest in fresh and useful foods. The statistics show the following distribution among people with cancer:

Walnuts: one of the main foods recommended
by professionals to protect your health
against most serious diseases
  • 35% of them are malnourished
  • 30% of them are smoking
  • 15% due to a genetic defect from the father or mother
  • 3% due to drinking alcohol
  • 2% due to exposure to ultraviolet light

From this list, it is clear that a person can reduce his or her risk of cancer by First, refraining from smoking, and second, eating useful foods recommended by doctors to prevent this disease.

The recommended foods are: 

  • Tomatoes
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Red beet
  • Green cauliflower
  •  Garlic
  • Onions
  • Turmeric
  • Soy
  •  Fish
  • Citrus
  •  Full flour
  •  Radish
  • Watercress
  •  Green tea
  • Walnuts
  •  Apricots

This does not mean that healthy food is limited to those foods. But we just draw attention to the fact that eating them now and then, and reducing.

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